The International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) is a professional association for government administrators of business organization and secured transaction record systems at the state, provincial, territorial, and national level in any jurisdiction which has or anticipates development of such systems.
In 1991, IACA also began to participate in external activities which affect filing office functions and interests. In 1994, IACA adopted an operational plan to take proactive steps to influence its legal and technological environments to improve performance of its members’ offices.
In summary, IACA has been and remains the primary educational and information resource for its members. It has now become the principle instrument for positive change in the environments in which its members operate, and seeks to extend that effort to all interested jurisdictions.
Our mission
IACA is dedicated to the education of and exchange of ideas among its members at annual general meetings and through newsletters throughout the year. Emphasis is placed on greater efficiency in government and in providing superior service at the least possible cost.